M&A Insights & Industry Articles from BMI Mergers & Acquisitions


Valuation Multiples for the Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing company valuations are often discussed in terms of multiples of EBITDA. This is because EBITDA is a common measure of a company’s cash flow that allows apples-to-apples comparisons between companies with different capital structures. We looked at manufacturers sold in the past five years, included breakouts for a few key manufacturing sectors, and summarized…

Identifying Code Risks in Software M&A

Strategic fit and table stakes KPIs aren’t the only things acquirers evaluate during the software M&A process. A software code review is one of the many components that is often overlooked by sellers. Learn more about Matt Tortora.

Concentration Can Significantly Impact Valuations For Lower Middle Market Electronic Businesses

Many privately owned electronic businesses operating in the lower middle market can exhibit concentration in either the selling channel, the supply channel, or both. When the time comes to sell the business, what historically has been viewed as an area of strength by business owners can instead be considered a risk for potential buyers. Concentration…

SaaS KPIs That Matter Most to Investors & Acquirers

Saas KPIs Slide Share Presentation Matt Tortora BMI Mergers & Acquisitions
There are over a dozen KPIs (key performance indicators) investors, and acquirers rely on when evaluating an investment or acquisition. Optimizing these metrics provides SaaS companies with a path to sustainable growth and puts them in a position to raise growth capital or successfully exit. This deck offers founders and CEOs an overview of what…

Add-Backs To EBITDA Can Substantially Increase Business Valuations

Adjusted EBITDA Calculations Spreadsheet
EBITDA is an abbreviation for “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.” It is calculated by taking operating income and adding back to it; interest, depreciation, and amortization expenses. EBITDA is a key metric widely used by financial and investment professionals operating in the lower-middle market to analyze a company’s operating profitability and estimate valuations….

Planning to Sell Your Business in a Time of Uncertainty

Many private businesses survived the pandemic crisis of 2020 and have now stabilized, but for others, the perfect storm is still raging. How can business owners ensure the survival of their businesses and the ultimate positioning of their business for sale? Questions many business owners are asking BMI advisors: Should I sell my business in…