M&A Market Reports | Insights by BMI

Market Reports

Construction and Engineering Market Report Summary

Market reports
Construction M&A Deal Activity Slows In 2022 But Remains Healthy Construction-related deals for the first 8 months of 2022 totaled 498 which is a lower pace than 2021. However, as seen below, this is still a very healthy level of deal volume. In short, 2021 was an extraordinary year for M&A in every industrial sector,…

Q2 2022 Electronic Components, Equipment & Instruments Market Report

M&A Deal Activity Slows In Q2 2022 But Remains Well Above Historic Levels Electronic Components, Equipment & Instruments – Market Report Deal volume: KPMG has concluded that after record M&A performance in 2021, both reported deal volume and deal value in the Industrial and Manufacturing sector declined 35% and 34% in Q1 2022. Leaders raised…

Q3 2022 Technology Services M&A Market Report

Heading into 2022, the market outlook for technology services M&A was initially strong, with businesses managing the shift to hybrid and in-person work environments and emerging technologies becoming more mainstream. However, the recent macroeconomic developments have dampened what were only months ago bullish expectations. Download the full report below to understand the outlook for M&A…

Q1 2022 Software M&A Market Report

Reeling from the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, software M&A has proven resilient in the face of a renascent pandemic, market volatility, rising inflation, and continued disruption to global supply chains. After a record-breaking year for software M&A in 2021, optimism for another supercharged year remains, despite potential market headwinds and geopolitical turmoil. Download…

Q3 2021 Software M&A Market Report

Software M&A Market Report Q3 2021 Cover Page
The SaaS sector aced its first major test in 2020 this proving its resiliency. In the early months of the pandemic, M&A came to an unprecedented halt as the world shut down. However, by the second half of the year, the buyer confidence and deal-making soared to record highs, resulting in some of the largest…

2021 Software Development and Digital Transformation M&A Market Report

The $342B software development and digital transformation market is expected to grow by 15% + annually over the next several years. And subsequently, many companies are looking to capitalize on that growth via acquisitions making for a very active M&A market in this space. The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the urgency…